'// purpose: 用 "本文內容" 自動判斷文章是 html or text, text 時把 enter 換 <br/>
'// ex: ret = htmlMessage(str)
function htmlMessage(byval str)
str = trim("" & str)
dim isHtmlContentFlag
isHtmlContentFlag = IsHtmlContent(str)
'response.write "<h1>isHtmlContentFlag:" & isHtmlContentFlag & "</h1>" & vbcrlf
if isHtmlContentFlag then
'// do nothing
'// do convert.
str = replace(str,vbCRLF&vbCRLF,"<P>")
str = replace(str,vbCRLF,"<BR>")
str = replace(str,chr(10),"<BR>")
end if
htmlMessage = str
end function
'// purpose: 檢查 字串是否為 html tag.
'// PS: 其實也可以用 pattern 來做 match 應該會更好.
'// ex: ret = checkIsHtmlContent(str)
'// return:
'// True: html
'// False: text
function IsHtmlContent(byval str)
dim isHtmlContentFlag
isHtmlContentFlag = not True
if instr(1, str,"<P ",1)>0 or instr(1, str,"<P>",1)>0 or instr(1, str,"<P/>",1)>0 then
isHtmlContentFlag = True
end if
if instr(1, str,"<BR ",1)>0 or instr(1, str,"<BR>",1)>0 or instr(1, str,"<BR/",1)>0 then
isHtmlContentFlag = True
end if
if instr(1, str,"<td",1)>0 and instr(1, str,"</td",1)>0 then
isHtmlContentFlag = True
end if
if instr(1, str,"<ul",1)>0 and instr(1, str,"</ul",1)>0 then
isHtmlContentFlag = True
end if
if instr(1, str,"<div",1)>0 and instr(1, str,"</div",1)>0 then
isHtmlContentFlag = True
end if
IsHtmlContent = isHtmlContentFlag
end function