2011年12月8日 星期四

[IIS].Log 裡的200 0 64(sc-win32-status)

看到 IIS Log 裡大部份都是 200 0 0 , 但有幾筆卻是顯示:
200 0 64, google 了一下, 答案可能是:

sc-status = 200
sc-substatus = 0
sc-win32-status = 64
The error for status 64 is: "The specified network name is no longer available."

sc-win32-status of 64 means "The specified network name is no longer available". It usually occurs when the client reset the connection after getting the last packet rather than doing a graceful close of the connection. In client server architecture after IIS has sent final response to client typically it waits for ACK message form client. Now certain clients instead of sending final ACK back to server, resets the connections which are not and graceful connection close and hence IIS logs “64” in IIS logs. Many clients will reset the connection when they are done with it, to free up the socket instead of leaving it in TIME_WAIT/CLOSE_WAIT. Proxies tend to do it more than others do, hence win 32 status code of 64 should be reviewed only if necessary.




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